Sep 6Liked by Simon Yugler

Wow, it sounds like quite an experience! What a lot of “charge” to hold. It reminded me of this video that a saw a while ago: https://youtu.be/cca5QWdSTMQ?feature=shared - men’s work is so needed! Have you read bell hooks book The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love? We all need healing from the patriarchal paradigm, thanks for the work you’re doing towards that.

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Hi Cindy! Yes, definitely a big charge to hold. I've heard of this film! Michael and Luis both do and have done work in prisons. In fact, Luis told a super intense story about almost getting killed in a prison riot in a Mexican prison. These guys were no joke. True healers.

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Sep 7Liked by Simon Yugler

Thanks, Simon. I’m so recovering from an outburst of real into a cosmetic, industrial system. It hurt, yet it brought real positive change. I was othered for that expression of guttural frustration and rage at the disrespect for the safety of people. There could have been a better way. But it just came out like some ancient furr ball. And I think it has brought a major shift in career unfolding in the two days after. Tectonic. It’s hard for me not to feel shame at that rate though when within a patriarchal plastic system of enforced order, and empty politeness. Not real stuff. Order.

My rage at this abuse of safety was tied deep to my guttural grief and rage at the accelerating abuse of the Great Mother Earth and social justice. It’s everywhere I look now, and worse than I imagined, every time.

Apart from connection to land and local community, I feel the mythopoetic realm and animist tradition is the only path forward for me. Becoming aligned to the birthing that will inevitably follow this death process the modern world has entered is vital for my wellbeing.

Have a beautiful day.

Thank you for what you do. Hopefully I’ll join your month long course.

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Thanks for the comment Ian! Have you been able to explore any of that rage in a safe container of men? I have a feeling that might be just the medicine for you. Be well!

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I can't think of a more appropriate endorsement for your book, Simon. Wonderful!

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