Love this Simon - thank you for bringing it down to the mythic layers.. It's reviving me from that early-death-via-watching-american-politics you speak of.

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Thanks John. It's honestly the only way I can revive myself as well.

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Well played brother, well played. This rose the dead and fed the Holy in unlikely ways. I too have been wrestling with The Fisher King and seeing his unhealed wound mirrored about these mad mad days. Myth is medicine and you offered it to us well. Thankyou.

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Thank you Gregory. Kind, generous words indeed. That fisher king story might be the best explanation we have for this thing called "Western Civilization." Big love to you and the pham.

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Jun 28Liked by Simon Yugler

Thank you, Simon, for speaking aloud what I know a great many of us are feeling after last night’s horror show. If only to make those of us paying attention feel a little less alone in our grave concern.

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Thanks John... Yes, at least there is a feeling of mutual horror rather than the gaslighting circus that is the norm.

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Jun 28Liked by Simon Yugler

Exactly! Also, just pre-ordered your book and now I can barely wait until October!

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Jun 28Liked by Simon Yugler

Hermano, although I was young, I may be one of your few readers who does remember when Kennedy was shot! Yeah, both candidates have donkey ears with one a toxic megalomaniac, and the other going senile. God help us.

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Was JFK's assassination the beginning of the end? You tell me.

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Thanks for reminding me of this ancient story. Can't help but think after listening to a bit of that debacle that the hole we are being offered to shout into can be found in the middle of a putting green. Fairly accurate from our modern day 'cultured nature' perspective. Or perhaps that particular 'cup' is their holy grail? Dear me.

Big love from across the pond, where the ripples are being felt. I just shared this one with our community here.

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I just wanted some pizza, not the outrage de jour.

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