Mar 22Liked by Simon Yugler

Also, do you know of some good sources for reading more about Irish myths and pre-colonial practices? It’s tough to sift through the myriad websites dedicated to “Celtic/Pagan traditions” to get to some primary or secondary sources.

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Hi Colleen- Everything shared by Machán Magan is gold. He just started a Substack. Sharon Blackie (who also has a Substack) is wonderful. Then there are the source myths themselves. I always find stories to be the best source of the “ancient wisdom” so readily shared by more new age sources.

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Thank you! I haven’t fallen down the Celtic mythology rabbit hole in about a decade and I’m excited to see it through my current lens.

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Mar 22Liked by Simon Yugler

“She is water flowing into river, river rushing into ocean, ocean evaporating into cloud, cloud thundering into earth, absorbing into plant, metabolizing into animal, digesting into human, sung into song, and remembered into myth.”

Thank you for this imagery 🙏

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Ah yes. Relatable imagery perhaps? Ecstatic Interconnection is a difficult thing to put into words ✨🌿🌲🔥

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This was a joy to read, brother. Thank you.

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As always, deep thanks Asher. Thank you for taking the time out of your day. Looking forward to our next chat 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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