Great stuff, my friend. Thank you as always. And now Ancestors Call is tunefully decorating time in my house today.

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Asher I always appreciate your feedback and comments so much. Thanks so much for reading! And I'm glad that song made its way into your ears. Its a special one!

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Thanks for inviting me on the ride, brother. I feel a deep alliance.

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I love the sincerity in your writing voice. It shines through and touches my heart. Thank you 🙏🏻💗

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Thanks so much Jahnavi! Truly appreciate that reflection.

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Love this. Thank you for sharing these tips, Simon. Have you ever read Ensouling Language by Stephen Harod Buhner? It's a book on writing. I am working my way through it again. I've had a dead spell with writing this year, and have been wondering why. Some of what you wrote above resonated with me, though. I think I am courting several really big ideas, and I need to do some more research for a period of time.

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Hey Tara- No I've never read that book but I know of Buhner's work and it is some DEEP stuff! I'd love to check it out. Courting big ideas is big work for sure, and I can definitely relate. I've found simplifying things down to be a very helpful process. Rick Rubin's book "The Creative Act" and Steven Pressfield's "The War of Art" are two amazing books that may help you get out of that dead spell! Suerte!

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