Mar 16Liked by Simon Yugler

Thanks for this, Simon. I'm interested, as you might imagine, in the territory in common between poetics and parts work. My own investigations into my inner world express themselves through narrative landscapes in which the parts have agency and character that are not purely anchored in a parts-naming process, but in one of giving-voice-to. I'm also particularly interested in what happens when we introduce attachment theory to parts work, adding nuance and fluidity to attachment styles by allowing that each part might have its own dominant style, and that the presenting style of a person could depend on which parts are most active and loudest at any time. Bless your work and the thought-trails it provokes. I hope (and expect) we'll meet some day.

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What you are describing Tom is what I believe is the most interesting and creatively cutting-edge aspect of this style of inner work. To give animistic agency and personified voice to our "parts" feels to me like the sort of "healing" that people like Hillman and Jung were actually trying to shephard us towards. It feels somehow in the same tradition of alchemy, mediumship, and shamanism (If I dare to use the word.) I also love the idea of bridging parts work and attachment theory. In fact, I think there is a strong case to be made that they are intrinsically linked, as our attachment styles get activated at the same time their corresponding parts do. I love IFS because it offers a profoundly useful frame for psychic phenomona, and I relate to it like a lens rather than just a tool. I also look forward (and expect) to meet you as all. Untill then, big love to you across the pond.

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Mar 24Liked by Simon Yugler

@simon you should check out the recent podcasts between John Vervaeke and Seth Allison. Thank you so much for this article. I have been investigating IFS a lot latetly and this small peak into how it integrates with psychedelic experiences is mind opening. I have had difficult psychedelic experiences, and I see now how clearly it was a polarization. Also in their interviews they talk about "guides" as John has been engaging with a being named Hermes, like an archetypal dialogic, and that was brought into the session. Super fascinating stuff.

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Very interested! Thanks so much for sharing. Do you have a link to the podcast? Also, Hermes, huh?

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Let me second the idea of you two meeting one day. You've both played in The Fifth Direction playground, so a step towards it in some way, I guess. Much love to each of you!

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And *we're* going to meet up someday, too, Asher!

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What a spectacular article. Thank you so much. I appreciated it and will enjoy reading it again and savoring the wisdom and insights you share. 🙏🏻💗

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Thanks so much you two! So glad it brought you some joy and insight.

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