Powerful. There are still those who believe... “We live in a kind of dark age, craftily lit with synthetic light, so that no one can tell how dark it has really gotten. But our exiled spirits can tell. Deep in our bones resides an ancient singing couple who just won't give up making their beautiful, wild noise. The world won't end if we can find them.” -Martin Prechtel

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Thank you Gregory. Beautiful Martin quote... I am so envious that you were able to spend so much time with him! May that ancient couple never stop singing.

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Being able to study with Martin Prechtel all these years has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. A true elder. A rare gem. May we honor our teachers well and learn to keep the seeds alive:::

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Great stuff again, Simon. Emotional intensity, artistic expression, ritual and devotion.

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Thanks so much Asher. Thanks for taking the time to read and for the kind words.

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Jan 19Liked by Simon Yugler

Super beautiful how u wove that together. Good and important, viable thoughts to ponder. I don't know who I would be today if I hadn't had the ecstatic states do just that, bring vision to times of deep utter despair. Truly truly lifted me up and stuck with me for years. So much fracturing to mend in the world. Truly beautiful timing and insight here. Thank u.

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Thank you for reading Jennifer! I'm glad it's resonating.

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